Outdoor survival gear is a basic set of tools to help in an emergency or a survival situation. These survival tools are used by people on a broad scale, also for camping safety & survival equipment.
The primary purpose of carrying a survival kit is to ensure that the person has life-saving supplies during a problematic situation. The best survival kit can come to the rescue when nothing can be available. The survival kits are usually packed in buckets, backpacks, or duffle bags.
This depends on the scenario it is designed for. Some supplies include water, nonperishable foods, tools, and medical supplies.
There are additional items that come along in a survival kit. Some include a tactical flashlight or an AA EDC Flashlight, hand-crank radio, extra batteries, a survival lighter, and personal hygiene items.
Others prefer a 72-hour survival kit in their car or near their door. So read all the posts on each link presented here.
Similarly, chargers, cell phones, cash, blankets, and an area map. Each of these items has importance and is beyond any primitive survival gear.
We will discuss the 15 best outdoor survival gear you can use on your next trip, especially high-quality survival gear. If you happen to be in an emergency, these things will help you survive. It’s better to be safe than be sorry. Read on to know more.
Why is Survival Gear Important?
Every year, close to 150 people die while out in the wild. Approximately 1000 people are injured or die in hunting accidents. Many more numbers show that people die due to being unprepared without any outdoor survival gear.
They roam around without water or food or get lost.
Bad weather can also add to the situation.
Hence, the best outdoor survival gear is the only way to stay safe. There are different survival kits for various purposes. In addition, you should also know how to use them right. You can customize the equipment as per the destination you are heading to.
Surviving in an unknown place can be dangerous. You can never know what will happen to you ahead. The right gear will allow you to spend a comfortable and safe night.
It will also protect you from the wild. If you love hiking or traveling to unknown places, it is best to have outdoor survival gear.
You may never know, but that could save your life. In the below sections, we will be listing the 15 best outdoor survival gear in the market, so you know when you plan to choose the best survival gear. Consider them if you have been looking to purchase one.
If you go after ultralight backpacking gear, then also check this post.
The Best 15 Outdoor Survival Gear
1. Don’t Die In The Woods Emergency Blankets

This is one of the best survival multi-tools you can use.
These blankets are perfect for hiking trips, marathons, or outdoor survival. It reflects up to 90% of body heat.
The best part of this blanket is that they are waterproof. They are pretty compact in design. This allows you to carry them anywhere with you. It is suitable for countless survival trips.
The blanket will be your formidable companion through your outdoor trips. They are made from the finest quality material to keep you safe. It consists of a tough zipper pack, individual nylon stuff sacks, four blankets, and a carabiner.
2. Sawyer Products MINI Water Filtration System

The Sawyer Water Filtration System is the best portable water filter you could ask for.
Do not forget to carry this fantastic tool the next time you go hiking. It is proven to remove all harmful bacteria present in the water.
The item has been tested thoroughly before bringing it to you. You never have to worry about drinking pure and clean water while outdoors. Filter the water and drink it fresh.
It has a high-performance water filtration mechanism.
3. Go Time Gear Emergency Sleeping Bag

Have you ever wondered what you would do if you were stranded on a road trip? Or what if you are lost while hiking? Be ready with the Go Time Gear Emergency Sleeping Bag.
This item is designed for surviving the worst scenario. It has a lightweight design. In addition, it is compact and durable enough. Remove it from the sack and use it as a sleeping bag.
The sack can be used in multiple ways. You can use it as a survival shelter, emergency blanket, or sleeping bag. Whether you encounter bad weather or harsh rains, this survival kit will significantly help.
4. Garmin InReach Mini Handheld Iridium Satellite Communicator

This item allows you to travel light and communicate smarter. The mini device is an excellent companion for outdoor travel. You can trigger an interactive SOS, which helps you to communicate.
The device has unlimited cloud storage. This enables you to plan your trips well and create quick texts.
The inReach Mini allows you to send or receive messages from areas without a network. This item is the ultimate survival tool you can ever purchase. Now you never need to worry about getting lost or stranded.
5. Leatherman Tread Bracelet Travel-Friendly Wearable Multi-Tool

The Leatherman Tread Bracelet is the world’s first wearable multi-tool. It consists of a total of 29 tools with customizable links. The item is specially designed to fit your needs.
The tools in the bracelet include hex drivers, Philips screwdrivers, Box wrenches, socket drive adapter, and square drive.
In addition, it also has a bottle opener, cutting hook, carbide glass breaker, and so much more. This item is attractive yet functional. The bracelet is customizable, and additional links can be added to it.
6. BRY Outdoor Professional Water Floating Lifesaving Rope

The BRY lifesaving rope is specially designed to float on water. You can also equip yourself with a life jacket if required. This particular item can be beneficial when you are out near the water.
This rope can come to your rescue and help others in need. The material of the string is polypropylene which is of top quality. It is durable and strong enough to rescue people in danger.
These are affordable and practical equipment that you can carry while being outdoors. There is only one color available on the rope, which is orange.
7. Gerber Armbar Driver Pocketknife Multi-Tool With Screwdriver

This all-in-one multi-tool is one of the best outdoor survival gears. The Gerber Armbar multi-tool is a 2.5″ driver that allows you to complete tasks faster. There are a total of 8 tools in the item.
They are a hammer, scissor, bottle opener, awl, and a pry bar. In addition, there are Philips and Flathead drivers, 2-1/2″ inch plain edge blade with frame lock, and 2-1/2″ inch driver.
This item has a compact design that makes it easy to store. Upgrade yourself with the best multi-tool and make your life simpler.
8. Columbia River Knife And Tool

This item from CRKT is a great tool to accompany during your outdoor travel. The tool is a quality knife sharpener and fire starter. It can be a great addition to your survival kit.
It is a versatile and lightweight item. It allows you to cut anywhere and has sharp blades. In any case, if you need fire to feel some warmth, make use of this tool.
In addition, it has a compact design that allows you to store it easily. It is made of the best quality material that ensures durability.
9. Survival Kit 47 In 1 Outdoor Survival Gear

This all-in-one survival kit is a piece of necessary equipment for all travel lovers. The outdoor survival gear consists of 47 elements you can use outdoors.
The durable pouch is made of high-density nylon. It is portable, waterproof, and has many compartments to store your items.
This is one of the best outdoor survival gear you can buy for yourself. You can even consider gifting this set to any of your friends or family. Some of the survival tools in this set include a flashlight, foldable knife, defense pen, compass, wire saw, compass, and many more.
10. Leberna Emergency Blanket Outdoor Survival Gear

These blankets from Leberna are another excellent survival kit worth buying. The mylar thermal sleeping bags are thick, lightweight, and durable too.
The sleeping bags will keep your body temperature stable. The best part of these bags is that they are extra-large. The length is 84 inches, and the width is 36 inches.
The bags also have a bright yellow stripe on the edge. This is added for visibility. These bags are waterproof and windproof. In addition, they are puncture and tear-resistant.
11. Purewell Portable Water Filter Straw 0.01 Micron

The Purewell Portable Water Filter Straw is an excellent addition to outdoor camps or hiking. It would be best to never worry about drinking fresh and clean water. If ever you forget you get your bottle, this handy equipment will help.
Keep your water safe and healthy with this portable water filter straw. It has a built-in 0.01-micron ultrafiltration system. This provides you with 5000 liters of pure drinking water.
This is one of the best multi outdoor survival gear tools you can invest in. Since they have a compact design, they can be easily carried along with you.
12. Hot Ash Mini Wood Rocket Stove

Are you planning an outdoor camp this weekend? Don’t forget to carry the Hot Ash Mini Wood Rocket Stove. This lightweight item is a must-have in your backpacking survival gear.
It is specially designed to fit in small spaces easily. Believe it or not, the item’s weight is less than 1lb.
In addition, it comes with a lifetime guarantee. You can use them for cooking some food while camping. Or you can also use it to boil water. The item is made from top-quality aluminum and titanium. Get yourself one of these and never worry about lighting up a fire.
13. ArcEnCiel Tactical Medical First Aid Utility Pouch

It looks like a simple outdoor survival gear item, but it is crucial to have one. A first aid kit is a mandatory element you should not miss while camping, hiking, or roaming in the wild. This pouch is made of durable and premium military-grade 900D nylon.
It also has durable molle straps to attach this pouch to a compatible gear. The pouch has 2-way zippers along with silent cord pulls.
The elastic straps and spacious compartments allow enough room to store all medical supplies.
So if you have been planning to hike or camp, do not forget to carry this survival kit. Store all your essential medicines, and you are good to go.
14. GEAR AID 550 Paracord And Carabiner Outdoor Survival Gear

The 550 Paracord is made of premium quality nylon. It has a seven-stranded construction that offers extra durability and reliability. This is a multi-purpose tool you can carry on your next camping trip.
The 4mm utility cord is an excellent addition while you go camping or during emergencies. You can use it to start a fire, like a floss, thread, or fishing line. You can use the rope to secure tarps or tents.
There are quite a few exciting colors that you can choose from.
If you are looking for the best outdoor survival gear to choose, here it is. This wilderness survival kit is all you need to tackle problems.
15. Lever Outdoor Survival Gear Tool card Pro- 40 in 1 Credit Card Multitool

This item from Lever Gear comprises a total of 40 tools in one. This tool is so easy to carry. You can open bottles, fix things, and get work done quickly.
It is portable and allows you to take them everywhere. You can easily store them in any wallet card section. The weight of the product is just 1 ounce. It can’t get better than this.
Unlike other items, the edges of the tool are not sharp. Hence, it won’t damage your wallet or hurt your hands while you use them.
Conclusion on Outdoor Survival Gear
Here we have listed the 15 best outdoor survival gear you should consider purchasing.
No trip is risk-free. Hence, it would be best to be prepared before going to one.
These tools and products will ensure that you are safe throughout your trip. You never know, but these items may end up saving your lives.
In addition to purchasing, also be aware of using them correctly.
Be prepared and list what you will need on the trip. Be safe with the outdoor survival gear.
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