You wouldn’t imagine that you could learn to build your own Cob house, aren’t you? The picture above shows a cob house interior (I’ve been there). Well, you could combine your trip to Greece with such an experience. But let’s take first things first, as this year is your chance to do something different!

What is a Cob House?
Cob is one of the most ancient techniques to build a house in any shape using… earth. Clay, straw, wood, glass, wood, and many more things are shaped using your hand and feet into walls, windows, roofs, and more.
The origin of this technique is simply the word “Cob,” which in English means a ball of earth. Building a Cob house has been practiced by many cultures (Africa, UK) to build houses.

First, because it was cheap. But these years, when a shift towards more natural ways of living happens, Cob is used to build houses that utilize capabilities of natural material to warm, cool, and ventilate your house. No air-conditions!
We could say that having a Cob house is more of a movement. It is natural living reinvented. And you will enjoy it! You will see what natural and/or recycled materials can be used to build a cob house. You will enjoy the company of others helping you learn.

You will find out about living, breathing rooftops. You will play with mud and feel like a child while learning something new, making friends, and enjoying a different style of life (even for a few days, as seminars usually last for three days at a time).
Some directions: Feel free to visit for lots of info about cob houses in Greece. The website is in Greek, but you can use Google translate for your language, and you will see the info.

I have personally attended these courses, and it is revitalizing. Your kids will love it and learn amazing things about nature and the bio-climatic ways of circulating the energy of wind and sun to heat or cool a cob house. These guys organize seminars all over Greece all the time.

You will be amazed to discover what has been constructed with Cob worldwide. Just Google it. Then come to Greece and participate in a seminar. Combine it with your vacations! If you want to dive into the world of Cob, then read this research.
Also, read 26 Things To Consider In Dating Greek Men.