Meditation is a process where you divert your full attention to a specific thing while blocking out everything else. As you’re able to clear your mind and focus on your breathing, you can allow yourself to be in a meditative state. That is a very generic approach and it doesn’t end there, but it a starting point.
However, going into a meditative state can be challenging, especially when there are plenty of things running through your mind. You’ll also have to deal with being in a distracting environment. But with proper practice, you can allow yourself to be at peace.
Furthermore, meditation can help you manage difficult emotions, letting you reach a state of calmness. It will help free yourself from your strong emotions, such as jealousy, fear, and anger. The subject of this article is about how to better use meditation to release anger and all around it.
While you can use it to relieve yourself from stress, using meditation like quantum healing hypnosis to release anger has been effective in finding inner peace. It allows your body and mind to loosen up and get rid of anger. Even 10 minutes meditation is beneficial for you. Doing mindful activities helps even more.
What Is Anger?
Anger is a negative emotional state that can vary from mild irritation to a more intense level, such as fury and rage. It’s a strong emotion that you feel toward a specific scenario, an object, or a person who had done something wrong to you.
Other factors that may lead to anger include family problems, financial issues, and stress. Even certain health conditions, such as bipolar disorder, depression, or alcoholism, trigger anger.
Anger can also be defined as a natural response to perceived threats and serves as your defense mechanism whenever you’re facing an uncomfortable and threatening situation. Instead of allowing your real emotions to flood in, you use anger to cover them up and allow it to overtake your mind. As you let anger take over, you begin to experience an increased heart rate, tight muscles, and a rush of adrenaline.
Letting out your anger may sound impractical, but it’s actually healthy since you’re keeping yourself from trapping everything inside. However, releasing too much anger might cause problems, especially if your anger leads to physical harm.
To tell whether you’re experiencing anger issues, you can ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you often feel angry?
- Do you feel that your anger seems hard to manage?
- Does your feeling of anger affect your relationships with others, such as friends or family?
- Does your anger harm others?
- Does your anger make you regret the things you say or do?
- Are you verbally or physically abusive?
What Are The Different Types Of Anger?
Similar to any other emotion, anger has different types that you should be aware of. Identifying the type of anger you’re dealing with will help you get to the bottom of the problem and address it effectively.
- Chronic Anger
Chronic anger is a state where the intense emotion is part of your system and not something that comes and goes. There are no episodes of being angry, as the feeling stays within your body. When you have chronic anger, you feel angry all the time.
Your actions are dominated by this feeling, which could affect your behavior towards other people, as well as your thoughts.
If you notice that you’re experiencing any signs of chronic anger, you should consult a professional who will help guide you through managing your emotions and taking control of yourself. This is most often known as anger management, which requires doing plenty of exercises, including meditation.
- Passive Anger
Passive anger is a type of emotion that involves releasing your anger indirectly rather than letting it out as you should. When something awful happens, you hide it with a different emotion or action instead of expressing your anger.
It’s usually shown through sarcasm, meanness, and apathy. Giving silent treatment is another example. Moreover, people with passive anger tend to distance themselves from others and perform poorly at work or school.
- Aggressive Anger
The most intense type of anger is called aggressive anger. This variety is most intense compared with the other types, as it’s proudly demonstrated for everyone to see.
People who have aggressive anger are more likely to resort to violence or cause physical harm or verbal abuse. Some people who experience it aren’t able to control their actions, as they’re blinded by their emotions. They swear, shout, throw, or break things.
Because of how dangerous this kind of emotion can be, it’s crucial to identify what triggers it. This way, you’ll be able to find out what situations to avoid and manage your emotions more effectively.
To start identifying your triggers, you can keep a journal and list down the things that cause you to have an episode. You can analyze the patterns and underlying connections between them.
Some potential triggers of aggressive anger are:
- New social relationships
- School or work stress
- Family conflicts or fights with friends
- Physical or mental health conditions
What Is Meditation For Anger?

Meditation for anger is a process where you practice meditation to deal with anger and gain inner peace. An instructor will guide you through identifying your emotions and will teach you some breathing exercises that will help you reach a relaxed state.
They will also help you get rid of things you aren’t able to control and focus on the stillness within your body. Once you feel at peace through meditation, you’re able to protect yourself from strong, negative emotions and clear your mind.
Since meditation helps slow down the development of anger and lets the feeling drift away slowly, it allows you to develop a better response toward people around you and keeps you from harming others physically or verbally.
There are two ways you can use meditation to release anger.
The first one is mindfulness. Mindfulness is a practice that lets you improve your relationship with all of your emotions, including anger. You can do it every day for 10 minutes and allow yourself to explore and understand your emotions better. With regular practice, you’ll have the power to choose how you deal with situations that trigger your anger.
The second one is meditation practice that targets anger. If you’re feeling angry, you can step away from the scene, take a quick break, and meditate to overcome the negative emotion. In short, you meditate only when you feel angry.
The Effects Of Anger On The Body
Anger is a strong emotion that can strongly affect your body once you let it take control of you. Apart from being angry about the current situation, your body might experience extreme development, which can harm you and the people around you.
Once you have crossed the line and entered the stage of extreme anger or rage, you’ll experience physical effects, such as increased blood pressure, faster heart and breathing rates, tight muscles in your arms and legs, high adrenaline levels, and release of stress hormones. While these physical changes aren’t visible on your body, you’ll feel their intensity internally.
Anger can even have a significant impact on your brain. If a part of your brain notices that there’s a lot of activity happening as your body responds to anger, your frontal lobe will start to dominate your thoughts.
Since your frontal lobe is responsible for reasoning and decision-making, it will influence you to make quick decisions out of anger. It will also make it difficult for you to control your body, especially at the peak of your emotions.
People who experience chronic anger or those who are always angry may experience serious health issues, such as hypertension and coronary heart disease. Anger can even lead to anxiety, depression, skin-related issues like acne, insomnia, and sleep deprivation.
Reducing Anger Through Meditation
While it might seem impossible, you’ll be able to gain control over emotions that are triggered by anything that’s happening in your surroundings. You can choose how you’ll respond to any events that come your way and decide how long you should feel that way.
To help yourself be in control of your emotions, practicing meditation is a powerful and healthy approach to anger. By meditating, you’re able to reduce your stress levels caused by anger and allow yourself to be at peace all the time.
No matter how strong your emotions are, you’ll still have control over how you act, as long as you put yourself on top of everything. When you meditate sitting or lying down, you can prevent yourself from doing harsh things and allow calmness to take over.
And with regular meditation, you can be more aware of every emotion you’re feeling and let yourself have full control of how you can address it. In other words, you’re helping yourself cool off faster and working to calm yourself as soon as you can.
Aside from meditation, you can apply other ways to overcome anger:
- Understand your anger: You can ask yourself the following questions to identify why you feel angry or what sets you off:
- Why do you feel angry?
- Whom does your anger affect?
- What do you usually do or say when you feel angry?
- What sort of physical actions do you tend to do when you feel angry? Do you grit your teeth or clench your fists?
- How do you feel after an outburst?
- Find an outlet: Instead of keeping your feelings bottled up, search for an outlet. For instance, you can release your anger by punching a heavy bag at the gym. Or you can go for a swim. Even a simple activity like writing will help calm you down.
- Hit pause: When you feel provoked, count to three and take deep breaths.
- Open up: It will even help to vent out your emotions. Find someone you trust and share how you truly feel.
How To Release Anger Through Meditation with a Yoga Technique
Releasing your anger through meditation only takes a few minutes but produces fast and positive results. While it might not get rid of a strong emotion fully, it can help to gradually reduce it, resulting in a better state of mind.
You’ll be more at peace with your surroundings and allow yourself to be in control of your body and mind.
You can follow these instructions (based on Kundalini Yoga) to release anger through meditation:
- First, you need to position yourself in a relaxing sitting position. An ideal type of position is a comfortable one where you allow your body to be with the Earth. Alternatively, you can sit calmly on a chair with a light neck lock. Close your eyes as you sit.
- Loosen your feet to the ground. Make closed fists but position your thumb inside your four fingers. Avoid putting too much pressure and allow your thumb to be relaxed and still.
- Afterward, raise your arms and begin a backstroke movement over your head, alternating one hand with the other.
- When you breathe, you should form an O with your mouth and inhale and exhale steadily, following the movements of your arms. Focus your breathing on what makes you angry. This will help you calm down and release anger from your body.
- Lastly, interlock your fingers and raise them over your head, making your palms face the ceiling. Inhale deeply and imagine surrounding yourself in a round white healing light and then exhale.
Meditation Videos To Release Anger
To help you meditate further to release anger, you should consider watching some videos online. Videos will be a helpful guide to successful meditation. You can either follow their instructions or listen while meditating with your eyes closed.
Some of the videos found online can help you release and overcome any strong emotions, especially anger and rage. As you free yourself from your negative emotions while watching or listening to meditation videos, you can finally let peace flow within your body and allow yourself to be calm.
Then once you feel at peace, you’ll be able to develop a positive attitude and outlook on life.
Reaching a meditative state can be difficult since it requires your full attention to find the root of the problem. Though it may be challenging, you’ll be able to achieve a calm state of mind and become a better person.
There are two ways you can meditate. You can either do it every day to allow yourself to be in control of your every emotion, or you can do it only when you feel you can no longer control your emotions. Whichever way you choose, meditation will let the anger flow out of your body, helping you feel at peace.